T I M E S H I P website under construction
In August 2019, the Timeship project moved its operations
from Comfort -Texas to New York City.
> Recent News <
Stephen Valentine was appointed to the prestigious European
Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations / 2-2025
The New Yorker Magazine has elevated the past story about Stephen Valentine & Timeship
as now an all-time classic and reprinted in their Newsletter 1-2025
An exhibit of Timeship will be forthcoming at multiple prominent museums / 2025-26
Architect Stephen Valentine presents Timeship at the AEREC Medical Conference / 7-2024
An advisory team has been selected for the Timeship site advancement / 2023
Timeship was included in the College Entrance Exam with four questions / 2022
An exhibit design firm is retained for the development of the Timeship exhibit / 2022
Timeship Foundation > a tax exempt (501c3) organization is established / 2022
Stephen Valentine Architect PLLC